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Kula Dance
7 sep 20193 minuten om te lezen
Digging to my roots where the worlds meet
Were you ever moved by a story? Moved so much that it literally made you move? ‘If Women Rose Rooted’ was such a story, that activited...
157 weergaven0 opmerkingen
Kula Dance
19 dec 20184 minuten om te lezen
Her-story - the rising of the feminine
Kula Dance invites you in the circle to meet your tribe and celebrate the cycles of life, nature & (wo)manhood together. We honour again...
135 weergaven0 opmerkingen
Kula Dance
19 dec 20183 minuten om te lezen
My story - The healing power of dance
I embarked on a journey to experience the healing power of dance & rituals... I am Lene, a social worker, a gipsy, a dancer. I do...
227 weergaven0 opmerkingen
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